Saturday, October 26, 2024

About healing late autumn stomach ache

 See my book about the four seasons! 

About foods for the time when the last leaves are about to fall from the trees 

About making indoors nice, see 

Stomach aches are also often caused by the people you lean on, have as forefigures or as company or who command you, not having enough weather skills, wisdom of life or common sense or they are not fair. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Of artificial cooling in the tropics

 If there is the question, how to adapt to sudden cold or cool, one ought to compare it with the local night weather and temoerature outdoors, or if that is not as cold, then compare it with the night temperature and moisture of some well nnown town or county in the same country but on a more inland area. 

If the cool indoors are tough for some animals that have come indoors unprepared, there ought to be available some amount of cooling that is ok for animals and at least quite ok for humans too. 

The cold winter in a climate of the four seasons, says that indoors should be good for long tine stay indoors, and not any more artificially altered temoerature from what is outdoors. But the abiluty to bear indoors may get better via a short visit outdoors in outdoors clothes etc, so as to tune right to the local climate and it's ways of living. 

If one needs to cool down a lot, cool drinking water or leaning against a cool wall, help to cool quickly. 

Monday, September 16, 2024

If the weathers are too even

 If somewhere in the trooics the weathers are too even and that is a burden, could one use body cooling like in the weather sdvice for all climates, see , use it when it seems to relieve how one feels, and adjust the amount of cooling or warmth according to the situation and like one feels to be wise for the moment. For example when entering a ship and in varied phaces of the journey. Or when going outdoors and walkkng there short distancies with quite low bushes, pavement, maybe some flowers, social miljos, different things to do. 

From this blog's text about the arctic tundra: 

"Lately I have wondered if the heat regulatiob advice at which can be used also for cooling, coulg bring a similar wider variation in ways of living the weathers, times of the day and things done, in much warmer climates. I do not know so much about cooling, but it seems that the body can cool itself too, using the same advice. A cooling state of mind is maybe a slight fear like (or doubt like consideration) "ouch, could that be that so?" (without lising any of one's emotional balancedness) (so kind of more like pretending fear than actually feeling really in a danger, maybe like in a discussion saying as a thinking aid "well, that would be horrible, do you really think so?") kind of moving emotionally away from next to some central, in shape bone like parts of the torso or limbs, kind of an emotional flattenibg there. Or copying from the Arabs some image of what ice tea like wind cause inside the limbs. 

Monday, July 8, 2024

From Alaska to Dwenda, or for those travelling in a cold climate

  " 7th of July 2024 

8th of July 2024   Of the name Dwenda, I am good at theoretical thinking, so I suggested a name connected with wise ways of thinking, D, which appear to fit together with the nature, in questions of northmost America the trees there, and a kind of wider fascinating spgere of lufe and of undwrstanding and skills with a tale like charm of the northern forests, snow, nature and the seasons there, like what is the charm of some books there and my view of how to learn new skills, talents and a way of lufe suited to an area that one would like to live in and whose seasons, weathers, type of nature imoressions and their atmospgwre sensstions, etc one is fascinated by. And my imoression about traditional ways of life in the quite north, and of the ways of living of wildlife in the north. But these wete jyst imordssions of a certain style, certain ways of choosing what is comfortable for people, animsls  groups, etc motivated in a certain way, what is a fruotful groubd to build upon together with civiluced wisdom and especially civiluced valyes. And the ibflyencies from the arctic Santa Claus Kand in the North-West Russia at Novaja Zemlja made it possible to choose jyst such that it would be like a nice present or nice presents for the ibdkviduals but with good wuse effects in the world and posdible in practice, for e ample of a right size class in each thing. Or that was the aim. 

It somehow came to my mind to add this video which is in my long text about the Skills of Christmas gnomes, 

" b3.  My own Gaia theory. The domain is no longer valid. Just a story, the link ought to be to , and , maybe also to .

(8.5.2023   The picture of the video are from a cold climare of four seasons, summertime pictures. The paradise theory says that one ought to have climate skills for the climate that one is in. ) 

The video has no sound. "Gaia story" by khtervola 

After the white flowers in the beginning at least most of the outdoor pictures are from our summer cottage in eastern Finland, but I haven't been there for over ten years. People are enthusiasts of different things, via them they rise higher, but not via anything that others happen to like. 

It is important to choose where one lives so that that climate supports just those characteristics and values which one wants to have endlessly without needing to compensate them away and without the features of other climates. This Christmas gnome text's skills are meant to be possible all over the world, so they do not demand a cold climate, but many of them get support from a civiliced society. 


* * * * *
" Novaja Zemlja 

 I have the impression that the Russian Santa Claus is said to have lived in the Novaja Zemlja narrow landform north from North-West Russia. It too belongs to Russia, but it is so north that it sounds impissible for anyone to live there. The name gives an imoression of dazzling white snow cover in spring or summer light. 

But thinking of the name, it really might be that the Russian Santa Claus lives there with his Christmas gnomes or elves. "Nova" is what a new amazingly bright star is called. And in the Finnush language "ja se millainen, ja..." means " and what is it like, and..." which coukd continue: "can we copy it, can we "see millions" of them "jatkossa" when you/we continue this way? So it could be of producing really fine presents! 

The ordinary answer to questions about the Russian Santa or Russian Santa Claus land, is : "We do not know. But we seem to get snow flakes whenever we think of him (Santa), there must be millions of snow flakes in Russia, and the Santa and his gnomes send them, they seem to like having many slightly different kinds of charming snow flakes." On the other hand, when one looks in one's mind's eye toward the Santa Claus Lands, they say that they do not know how they could make or just arrange so many Christmas presents. But they have many snow flakes, so to begin with they send snow flakes, just to have something to send before one can think of any better alternative, like serving tea for example, in a traditional wooden house Russian style. And nearer Christmas they would have a better idea of how to create presents. And people themselves can help, ease the burden somewhat, and some relugious peopke too tend to help, especially under Christmas. 

" Trying to figure out names 

 Alaska - "down with Kaisa" or "all ask A", might better fit Himalyan mountain tops, with Buddhism granting such a position and view. 

If one then would think, what the former Alaska ought to be called, after thinking of Novaja Zemlja and Russian Santa Claus there, I come to think of the name "Dwenda", kind of people wandering around and asking from whom one can learn skills for so northern life, and the well working answer often is that from some Russian culture. And people also are all the time searching for the tale like beauty of nature etc, of quite round crystal shaped mountain tops, wolves, thick needle trees, etc and of course lots of snow. " 

" To Asian fishes and sealife 

   I send this to some Borneo wildlufe travel: 

" I was some 40 years ago as a child travelling in South-East Asia and in Thailand we swam kn the sea. And now that I have written a lot, it came to my mind that the sea was somehow of a different feel, as if the fishes etc had lost some wisdom because of too much buikd shores, people luving in large towns, etc. So it came to my mind that my texts about tranquil... in and the Easy quick school for animals at maybe could help, if you read them and learned with friendly animals around, maybe some bird interested in fishes. There are also other intetesting texts in my blogs, but I do not know whom they suit. " 

* * * * * 
I am not so sure if one can apply this world wide in clld climates. For example for getting things in China well, I woukd guess somethibg like "yes, in civiliced ways (that are according to wisdom of lufe according to pisitive feelings) one ought to do, and ok I will follow healthy common sense and healthy wisdom of lufe and see, take care that my versions of civiliced wisdom I use are healthy in the large scale too and in what comes to following civiliced values in healthy ways." 
* * * 

I do not know how much human societies can affect their living environment, is it true that the famous Alexandrian library was in the middle of the Arabian peninsula? 

* * *
In Tahiti they do not have as much weather skills as is needed in Alaska, but they seem to like speedy sporty life? But Tahiti is small. It is possible to practice sports indoors also somewhere in Asia, I have heard. 

* * * * *

9th of July 2024   If the name of a wide area Dwenda, helps learning fascinating clinate's culture which one likes and values, and learn talents, wisdom and skills from the nature, etc, and does so all over the world, is it then in a sense a name suited to the whole planet Earth, so would the planet Earth have in some sense naturally the name Dwenda, since thinking a liked fascinating area there havibg that name (Dwenda) or being a part of a wider area with that name (Dwenda) would be a good way to live there, to learn to the place's habits, skills, ways of living, etc. So in a sense such a planet would be called Dwenda, even if it isn't officially called tgat. 

* * * * *

It is clear that the name does not begin with a G, since G kind of stops one without a so wide view, while the name Dwenda is like going to the nature landcspe wondering what is there to learn and how one could learn, and so tge style of the name ought to make one pay attentiln to the impressions of how the trees etc bear winter, what kinds of strenghts or qualities they have, what is the atmosphere of living there, like fog here but there opens to the sea where slight cool breeze and quite big cool sea's waves, so each place has it's own way of walking, livibg there, and among other things upon these build the climate skills. 


* * *
Some pictures in the internet yesterday and today of utter beauty of nature, and of great new skills. Can you find any place where you now live where you coukd try this view of learnkng climate skills etc from the nature? 

* * *
Travel to your dream destinations with Dwenda travels,Dwenda travels is a way of looking so that one gets a feeling of utter beauty of nature and learns great new talents etc,

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Of a natural mood in the tropics

Just a guess, see 


"  Like in my advices about giving birth, see , I have the conviction that so hot that one is relaxed slumber like unmoving and flat like an object isn't wise, instead of finding the body temperature where movements are sensitevely according to feelings and one's best understanding, life enjoyable and wise. From lne's experience of lufe and of sports and moving, one could find such a body temperature, and try my advice W9. at for cooling also in warmer temperatures, so that one could read a sensitive enjoyably alive feeling varied wsy of moving with wisdom of life, and tgat would maybe be somethkng lije the palm trees or some i.oression of the nature around there. And so one maybe could notice the temperature, wind and moisture variations etc and learn to tune one's ways of living accordingly, in varied ways. 


W9.   As far as I understand body heat regulation and other bodily regulation and wisdom about states of mknd and of feelings, works best if one has natural kind of sporty and musical muscle tone and postures gotten some view of nsturality from how plants' branches grow toward light, toward better life. Then one can for examole according to the situation tune the thus naturally kept parts of the body toward heating or cooling, do so by paying attention to temoeratures and needs of warmth or cooling, and kind ofcreligiously musically wish and inform those naturally wise parts of the body that they should cool or warm. "


"  Suomessa on neljä vuodenaikaa ja säät vaihtelevat paljon. Sitä vastaa tropiikissa ainakin jossakin oleva säiden ja valoisuuden vaihrelu vuorokaudenajan mukaan. Säiden elämusessä on olennaista elää kunkinhetkusen sään mukaan ja ennakoida vähintään 5min mutta yleensä vähintään puolituntia, että tuetää, muhin on menossa ja miten kunakin hetkenä on hyvä elää, mm pukeutuminen. Sen lusäksi on hyvä, jos on jokin kuva odotettavissa olevista säistä yms parista muutamaan tuntia eteenpäin, sekä suurista sääilmiöustä kuten myrsky mielellään jo päivää tai parua aiemmin, ja kyky ottaa ne mielekkäästi, hetkessä viisaasti eläen, huomioon vaikka ne tulisivat yllätyksinä, vain huomaisi että hei nyt on myrskypilviä ja tuulta. 

Vastaavasti päivän tekemuset ja niiden sopivuus eri vuorokaudenaikoihin on hyvä ottaa huomioon tekemusentapoja, pukeutumusta ja elämän rytmiä vaihdellen. Siitä on jokin engl. kurjoitukseni vatsalihasten ja ryhdin yns vaihteluihkn liittyen. Radion musiikki, päivään uutisiin tms sovitettuna, lehden kuvat tyypillisestä paikallusesta elämästä ja miljööstä voivat tuoda näkökulmia  joista elämä sujuu kivasti. 

Ajattelun tarkoitus ei ole tehdä vaihtelematonta strategiaa elämään vaan tuoda maailmankuva, joka tarjoaa vaihtelevia tekemusiä. Niitä myös usein media tarjoaa paikalluseen makuun esim tiettyjen tapahtumaviikkojen aikaan, tai vaikka vinkkejä työntekoon, ruokalajeihin tms. 

24.12.2023   "f15.   9th of August 2023   I was thinking of how people from the tropics tend to keep their stomach muscles unmoving, it seems rigidly the same all the time, which does not allow variations in the ways of doing according to the things done. The ever varying weathers in a climate of four seasons bring lots of such variation, which to me feels like needed for wisdom of lufe, and is good for health and revovery, but as said the people voming from the tropics do not seem to take the Finnish weathers that way. And I do not know if so much variation of weathers is needed for such a basic thing in life. It seems that people with another kind of character could get the variation in the tropics from the different times of the day with their temperatures and activities. And such variation comes also from the other things done, not only from being outdoors in a certain weather, just for such variations of activities is the need for varied states of mind and ways of doing, which are reflected kn keeping stomach muscles in a certain way. So as one changes from one kind of activity and emotionally felt atmosphete via natural rythms of action to anither activity, say from work start going homewards, go to a hobby, enjoy one's time there and start going homewards in a kind of happy state of mind, which is diffetent from the even tracks of some other people that one knows, so one's rythm of life, stomach muscles, feelings, way of doing vary in natural ways according to the situations, and the rythm is different and more natural than that of the fixedly living. "

From my book series "The Christmas Gnomes Internet Institute" 

About comparing the weathers' temperatures in different countries


  "  As far as I know, the daily temperatures in different countries are not measured in the same way. In Finland the day's temperature is usually the warmest hour's temperature, which is usually in the afternoon. As far as I know, some warmer climates do not concentrate on the highest but more like daytime average or I do not know how. Also the meaduring equipment may not be calibrated the same way. As far as I know, the measuring equipments and weather reports' temperatures are calibrated so thaat in the same sounding temperature number the ways of living of the locals who are tuned to that climate and intend to stay tuned to jyst where they luve, are alike in style, for example leisurely in the same way. 

16th of April 2024  

 I guess that Finland, Sweden, Norway and maybe Estonia too are countries and places where people tend to think that they choose absolutely these weathers and living with the weathers is an important major part of life here. Maybe so in northern USa states, Cabada, Russia, nirthern Chiba and maybe North Kores and maybe South Korea, but I do not know of that, abd maybe Chile. 

But in Central Europe, Danmark, maybe rest of the Baltic, and more southern USA states, people seem to think that "I just live in this landscape, I could live for example this way like is according to the civiliced culture around here."  


Healing skills, etc

 For too much bacteria, and for other climate related health problems, see my blogs about healing by pieces of wisdom of life: the Finnish original and the English version to which there nowadays ought to be the link .

Some basics: for heat regulation connected problems, look at a branch of a local bush or of a local tree. Outdoors the tree or bush ought to be healthy and the way the branch curves ought to be in sight i.e. not overly many leaves if you look at it from a side. Indoors either watch out from a window, or have as decoration an old fallen branch, which maybe is without bark. You ought to look at tge branch glidingly following the direction it has grown. 

For problems of too much bacteria, washing but not with an overly strong detergebt, and cool but not overly cold. Social eye telling lije from smells if tgere has been at the same place or near it someone doing certain, kind of if there has been someone who came in from havkng been cutting the lawn and sweating, or if in the bus sat some elderly who has sat in a lot and read and cooked, or if there passed by a sporty clean youth, etc. Lijewise other factors about ways of living. If you wash some place which was dirty, preferably wash evenly with much water and a so mild detergant that you do not lose the view of what kibd of lufe there was. A short walk in tge nature when it is cool abd daylight time abd moist enough for tge plabts, might make wisdom of lufe better and be easier for this kibd of understanding. 

Also something about difficult places to live in.


 I live in northern Europe, in a cold climate of the four seasons, so I do not know about artificial cooling. If it makes one feel not well, it may be some chemical smell or otherwise too artificial, to which maybe would help a green plant on a window or some old branch as decoration. But impression is that in the tropics the cooling is maybe often on too strong. As one returns indoors, one should first return one's body temperature to healthily normal and feeling well, which is maybe by drinking cold juice or the like. And in the indoors the temperature should ve comfortable for spending ling tines indoors. Generally most comfortable is if in the indoirs one somehow notices the weathers, kind of lives alobg with those outdoors the day and night.

If you feel tgat you would like to eat more on a hot day, buy some ordinary food but choose it of some type liked by people who are fond of food and maybe tend to eat also on hot days, or it is pissible that such happens to them. You could also ask the shopkeeper for advice. * It may also help, if you instead of fasting, re-estimate (by eating a small piece when you feel it to be good food for you) how long you in today's weatger this time of the day live with one small piece of a sandwich and some fresh juice, or the like, and eat accordingly but not so much at a time. * It matters that one would like jyst that kind of food right then. Of ice-cream etc, if one thinks that it is not ok food then, "oho outs ouch oijoijoi not that much, is it ok at all?" kind of attitude is likely to make one's mouth more acid, while if one likes jyst such ice-cream or whatever right then, it also feels good for the mouth and teeth, kibd of sheltering. Similarly, in the summer some amounts of food and some foods can be such that the individual jyst feels that "not so much!" or "not that kind of food", and especially in the summer obe should diligently lusten to such wishes, even if the company does not say it many times. An hour later may sometimes be a different situation, especially if there has been some strenous activity. But anyway, one should not tie one's own meal to those who are less hungry or cannot eat such types of foods and feel well. 

A book "Magnifient Views : and nice to live in"

 This is not exactly weather skills, but is a motivation for many. Please see the free ebook at 

Endurancy outdoors

 There ought to be something about learning weather skills from the nature also in my free ebook "Wonderful, Miracle like Beings" at 

Daylenght variations, natural time and the clock


" About the difference of natural time and time measures 

 During the last month or two I have quite often woken up partly maybe 4 a.m. in the night, as if someone artificial, maybe even humanoid robot like were demanding me to wake up 4 a.m. or to be awake around tgat time, for the atmosphere to not to be so artificial. But 4 a.m. is clearly night time. It is 3 hours earluer than the ordinary time 7 a.m. to wake up for school and work. So it is much too early to start the day in such a normal way, since one would have been awake four hours when the others jyst try to wake up and go to work or school, and so one's day would be shorter 3 hours from the evening. 

4 a.m. has traditionally been night time. Only those whose working day start really early, like milking cows, newspaper delivery and bakery start their working day roughly that early in the morning. So for most it is quiet time, to let others sleep, so they can ve fully fresh and healthy in the daytime work etc. So if one wakes up that early, it is kind of slow quiet morning chores instead of daylight activity. 

Some are interested in times of the day in connection with full hours as numbers, so 3 o'clock refers to some devout elderly Christians praying to help those in need and to fulfill the demand for religious connection that time of the day. 4 a.m. isn't especially for anyone, so some engineers send some idea of steady engineering work. 

But anyway, each time of the day is prinarily a time in the activity of the landscape around, of the society, if the wild nature and of the wider world that one associates with. So the amount of daylight matters a lot. It is a natural way to wake up to the increasing lught or to the knowledge that the sun is already that high, or in the winter time to the knowledge ghat it is already this early, twilight time beginning already, time to start day's activities even tvough it is still quite dark. 

Instead of just daylight, one's sense of the time of the day rhymes with the activities in tge society around. That is typically the major current via which to rythm roughly one's basic lufe, but the fine tuning comes vua persobal instinct nature like feeling of how it is wise for me to luve now these moments or near minutes, am I today sleepier than most or sm I active trying to not to disturb others by a need for too speedy reactions or too speedy waking up, am I in a well running mood or more like being dragged along to get the day started. 

If obe wakes up too early, it is typical that one might still need some more sleep, so one wakes up more quietly, kind of lustening tl what is a good way to live in such amount of lught, is it early mornibg lught or the dim twilight like shimmering light of still night. If it night, one is supposed to go back to sleep after having been a luttle bit awake so as to make one feel better. If it is late in the morning, one is supposed to wake up fully, somewhat like if one has slept too late, or like on a day off because of flu or the like. 

The birds seem to say that the time of the day is somehow spiritually dependent on thebasic assumptions of many, so 5 a.m. of the "summer time" i.e. of "the daylight saving time", starts to resemble 5 a.m. of time measured from the sun, that happens in a few days or a week or two from changing to "summer time" i.e. to "daylight saving time".

Times of the day are referred to be the clock, so in the summer half of the year people's udeas of 5 a.m. refer to 5 a.m. of "summer time" in the same time of the year or of soln coming times of the ywar, and not to some other means of measure. Times of the day are thought of by what is the natural activity of that time of the day, like sunlight and how it is developing, the normal activity of the society, birds etc, the normal rythms of one's family members and the planned activitues for that day. In actually living the day the weathers affect a lot, sometimes also news and the life situations in the society around. 

Of learning weather skills, basic advices


"  For learning weather skills, one should have clothes and shoes too good basic outdoors clothes for such a time of ghe year and for such weathers. One should have scholl type of perspective and type of learning, and basic advices for going outdoors, like "have you made sure that...? Do you have as clothes...? Do you know that ...? Do you remember that...? Are you sure that you remember all these? Is everything ok? Then, let's go!"

As one goes out, one should observe the weather, especially when out of the indoors air near the door or ventilatiln window. One should at first jyst walk a quite short distance, trying to see how one woukd enjoy the weathers, while being safely folliwing ghe weather advices, fully but in common sense like ways. 

One should look at the nature around, both the weathers and the ground, but especially the nature, try to find if there is any charm in the atmospheres of bushes, tree branches, animals around, or the like. If there are charming atmospheres of plants in such a weather, see what those are like as ways of living the weathers and ways of life in the long run. And try to learn such views and ways of living via following their charms. Those are often wise, so one should try to learn also their ways of living the year, something of their talents, skills, values, following theur wisdom in the world, safeguarding and respecting the future of the living kind, especially of the wild nature. Like "the atmosphere of the quite old trees here in ghe weather, fascinates me, so I for a moment go along it and walk like entering a postcard of atmospheric quite old trees, and trying what it feels like to walk there."  

Obs. This advice is meant for all climates. 


Comparing climate characteristics with October rain


"  In the news some time ago there was something like a dispute can Israel's Eurovisiln song have the words "October rain". I thought of it as a description of the weathers of Israel being tough and needing extra learning even from those with good weather skills there, like in the middle of autumn in a climate of four seasons. Or that the weathers in Israel feel like slapping with a wet mitten in the face. 

But can it be that many who are interested in Christmas gnome like life would prefer something like the October weathers here being a major current in life, so not so detailed eyesight oriented life in the cold, but instead somewhat October like also in the winter time, with maybe some frost and snow as a skill sometimes but not as a full season. So maybe they would like Germany, France, Hungary and maybe Kazakhstan. And some whose emphazis on bush like way of behaving causes pain and aggression in Finland, are maybe referring to bushes in a so warm climate that it never reaches the coolness of the October rain here in southern Finland. So I guess that October rain is one way to recognize better which climates one likes and belongs to. 


12th of May 2024   But if one does not have weather skills well suited to the climate in Israel, as far as I know, the climate there is deadly, people die in a couple of days and some sooner. The Dead Sea is in Israel, and even though Jerusalem is very famous, it is well known that only some especially interested in Israel can travel there, and also those say that it propably was not a so good idea, since the climate, vegetation etc is so very different there, also culture and religion, ways of livkng, and the times of Jesus really were such a lobg time ago in history, and even a long tine ago ghose were a long time ago. Things advertised as a good time to travel, like a leaf hut celebratiln were without leaves, not much possibilitues for life there even for animals and plants. 

Climates requiring lots of climate skills are often good for people interested in developing and maintaining high skills, since all people there just have to have some interest in skills to stay alive, and for normal life even a very high skill level is needed. And so in connection with high skills places with a difficult climate are often mentioned, since one could learn high skills from some people there, from what they have written or otherwise produced, but at the same time one is warned about the climate, so best to just read some piece of text and live where one likes ghe climate, culture, ways of living, values and skill level. If one is not interested kn so high skills, some milder climate might suit that skill level better, but it maybe advertices itself with other choices of words and with other values emphasized. 

A piece of weather skills advice for the local inhabitants of all or just about all climates, see 

When a child is raised in a climate that very much or absolutely demands some things in weather skills taken fully into account all the time, that typically is arranged via a picture of the world, way of livkng and doing, ways of thinking, basic reactions, values etc, which appear as a kind of culture and area specific style of walking etc outdoors, kind of use of space, body warmth, cooling, moisture, saltiness etc regulation both in the body, near it, in the landscape and in the human contacts snd things done, kind of seriousness typical to that culture, managing to invest more in there important matters. So if you suffer from a lack of weather skills, such culture's thinking perspective might ease life. 


18th of May 2024   The climate here in southern Finland, I guess does not usually feel like anything much for foreigners, they just think it is cool, then they start thinking that there is something lacking, which I guess is too little bacteria on the skin because both their skin and the air are cold, but they think that some social loyalty (in the sense of the local culture having taken seriously some useful wisdom of other cultures) is lacking, so they start attacking socially as if just fallen ill, and then they go somewhere indoors, and quite soon there they go kind of extinguished like the flame of a candle, since such is typical for a flu, and then I feel that they are never heard of again, died so, (or flew to warmer countries,) because did not follow local advices about clothes and traditional foods. 

The problem is something like them making their own versions of advices instead of concentrating on following with wisdom and respect for Finnish tradition the advices given. Like if they are warned of cold and of there being no place warmer than cool, they anyway cool themselves as if preparing for tropical heat. Or if they are adviced to stay indoors, they anyway go to the balcony. Or if they are adviced to stay under a warm blanket, they instead of staying under the warmest winter blanket, go to kitchen cooking tea leisurely, or get stuck talking without really warm blankets and woolen socks keeping them fully warm. And if they are adviced to wear a loose big woolen shirt that has warm air inside, they think that being fat could replace warm air. Or if they are adviced to eat ordinary Finnish food with added butter if needed, they prefer some other climate's and culture's foods or cannibalism, and so their foods are not ok for the climate. And when they are adviced to follow local weather skills, ways of living, traditional values etc, they often prefer copying from the Lappland or from the eskimos, which just does not work out, or likewise from the tropics or other warmer climates' cultures. 

If you don't feel well in the summer


" A quotation from my long text about the seasons

There are some 80 of these advices about overcoming summer time not feeling well. If that is too many, could people learn such skills for example from the radio, if some journalists would each read some part of them or singers? That is: if they are new things worth learning in  your country. Obs. In another country you would have to think: if in the nothern climate of four seasons they have a this kind of advice for this problem, would something similar work for us, what would it be, who would know and be able to teach it, and who would write it down so that we too could have it. 

The text has four parts:
A hot days
B cool
C variations of weather and adjustments
D other summer time nuisancies

( Obs. 2. In the text hot means warm summer days and cool means unusually cool summer days, for example rainy days. So it is compared to what you are adjusted to and what is the local view of ordinary summer weathers. )

"If you don't feel well in the summer time

A) hot days

A1.   In the first hot days of May the air is usually very dry. Then it is important to drink lots of water (eat something salty with it, because when you sweat you lose both water and salts), or refreshment ("limonaadi", "virvoitusjuoma", they are meant for that) or the like, if you feel at all weird, for example one and a half liter to drink at once and immediately away from the sun or hot place. In Juna there is enough water vapour in the air from lakes and trees so that there is no longer this problem. Dry room air gets moistened by water bucker or washed clothes that are there to dry. But the ground is still wet in the spring time.

A2.   In the summer if you feel weird (and maybe headache), it is usually lack of water (remember also salt and maybe eat a little of something if you drink a lot, 1,5 liters lemonade (red or yellow or the like) is good for this) or then too warm clothes.

A3.   Pale feeling some time after having come in from hot sunny place to coolindoors, is a result of one living in a different way in hot places than in cool places, more relaxedly without doing much anything and that is a non-energetic way to be in cool. In cool one should put on warmer clothes and eat something since in cool one needs a more sturdy feeling than in hot, and instead of only lazying start doing something, at least taking a look if there is something in tv.
Feeling unsteady later on a day when one has spent time in hot, is a mark that one's body is still too hot, so that one should spend time in cool, dress lightly and avoid at least everything heavy to eat.You get the right body temperature best back and get the best feeling if you go to swim on a lake, or if that aren't possible, take a cool shower. Pour cool water especially over your head and take care of the temperature of your torso to your healthy normal temperature so that you feel relieved, with a clear head and in ok for action. When one feels better and one's body is cooler, it is natural to be more active.

A4.   In the sun can one's skin burn: it partly already in the sun and partly later that day and on the next day becomes red and if the skin burns worse it hurts to touch or to sweat, and worse still the surface part of the skin comes away later. A hat with a large adge(?), long-sleeved shirt, suncream and especially avoiding long times in sun before one's skin has gotten much colour help to avoid skin burning. Skin with some colour does not burn at all as easily as winter pale.  When your skin has burned you should not go to the sun, because skin burning makes one vulnerable to skin cancer. As far as I know suncream helps a burned skin to recover. So on the first times in the sun only a short while and maybe after an hour or whatever when your skin has gotten colour you can spend longer in the sun.

A5.   If in the sun one's head gets too hot, one can feel nauseating and even faint. To that helps immediately to cool shadow, pouring cold water upon the head to get it cool down, drinking enough and avoiding being in the sun. A light coloured hat in the head in sun helps to avoid this illness. Headache is connected to having lost water and to the head being still partly of wrong temperature.

A6.   Dizzy feeling in the summer time is a consequence of too warm clothes. Much less is better and more pleasant.

A7.   Traditional way to get cool on hot days is to swim in a lake. The water on the surface, maybe 20cm, is warm and below that the water is colder. The water is colder where someone has just moved a lot.
In the summer if there are many hot days in a row, if there isn't a possibility for swimming, it is better to avoiud getting hot than get cool after getting hot. One can ventilate one's whole apartment from the big windows during the cool air of night and morning. If you don't spend long time in a sunny room you don't get so impossibly hot. Curtain cool a room if it is sunny outdoors, but if you spend time in the room, it is nicer if you can see some greenery outdoors since it teaches about temperature regulation. If the sun shines to the window quite much from the side, it may be cooler with window open, but one must check the incoming air if it is at some height too warm.
If you don't eat on a hot day anything heavy or too sugary, you will not get so hot. For example tomato is light, likewise sallads.
A light hat with edge cools the head in the sun.
On can on hot days outdoors spend time in half shadow and get cool in the middle of a big shadow where it is cool, for example in the middle of the shadow of a house. Even a small wind cools. Also inside a forest, especially at the shadow side of a large hill, it can be cooler than on open space. And then again go swiumming.

A8.   Looking at the food recipes in a women's magazine, one would think that Africans do not know how to bear hot, since they eat heavy food to which they add lots of sugary as if they felt weak, fatigue and too little vitamins, rise and fish. Arabs in Morocco appeared to be skilled in bearing heat, since they made food from things that make the food lighter and bring vitamins, give needed energy and make lighter the attitude with which one approaches things.

A9.   In the summer time ordinary shoes are too hot and one should use sandals. On hot days bermudas or a short skirt and a T-shirt or the like or a hot day dress.

A10.   On hot days ventilate when it is cool, for example in the morning or from the shadow side where it is cool. If the sun shines into your apartment and makes the room hot, curtains cool the room, but on the other hand one oftens feels better if one can see out from the window at least somewhat. Go to swim in a lake, so you get cool. Do not eat when it is how or just before it is hot. Dress in hot day clothes and light sandals or walk barefoot.
If you change from hot to cool, don't let the surface of your skin get cool, but instead keep your blood circulation good, so you are not left hot inside and cool on the surface but get an even temperature like is healthy. 

A11.   (Living in a sunside apartment it is important to ventilate the whole partment during the cool air of night and morning.  Curtains in the window lessen somewhat how the sun heats the room, but when there is someone in the room it is often better to keep the curtains a little bit open somewhere for one to see greenery, especially trees which teach heat regulation, and some life too, so that one isn't like in a can and get fried. Just outside the sunside windows it is very hot, so one should not keep sunside windows at all open when the sun shines quite directly to them. It is a good idea to divide the aprtment to parts according to where the sun shines and where it does not shine, because the sunny places get hot while a closed door or a bag and other obstacles on the floor prevent cool air on the floor gliding to where it would ne heated. And when the sun changes place, ventilate those rooms to which it no longer shines so much. In a hot room only hot day summer clothes and if your body gets too hot, go outdoors to cool shadow or to cool shower or go swimming. In hot one must especially take care not to eat anything too heavy for such temperatures at all, and not too much of light foods either, for example tomato and fruit but not ordinary food but in the evening when the partment too has gotten cool some ordinary meal that you feel like eating. Often Finns can handlke also the Finnish hot days well, maybe because they got experience in going to sauna and to cool after that, but not those who copy too much from warm or hot countries. Dry air gets moistured by a big water bowl under the ventilation window.. If you feel somehow ill, remember that in the summer time to that usually helps a 1,5 liter bottle of refreshment drink (soda?), but maybe you need to drink such almost every day.
In the summer the air stand quite still by the lowest apartments which makes the sunshine hotter. While in the higher apartments of an apartment house there is some wind which makes the ventilation air cooler during sunny weather. On the other hand hot air in the stairs of an apartment house rises to the highest level, and fills the apartments there with hot air when one opens the door to the stairs, if one isn't quick. Likewise in the winter time one needs to take care not to let cold air from the outdoor or from ventilation near the doors of the lowest apartments.
Curtains planned to make a room dark also make the room cooler. )

A12.   (If one lives in a hot climate, Finnish skills can teach that cool air always goes downward. That is why freezers always have to be opened from the top and not from the side. In the autumn valley like low places have the danger of frost while hills are warmer. Cloudless night sky makes the night colder.)

A13.   If you have in the sun or otherwise in the summer a pressuring not at all good feeling, and the variations of hot and cool don't seem to affect pleasantly and the summer mood is difficult to catch, ypu are propably too school, study or work oriented by your basic way of being or have read too much, to which helps to change to freetime, to a real holiday with a good holiday like attitude and only holiday type of things to do.

A14.   Jos ajatukset ovat kesällä osan aikaa löperöitä ja laatu heikompi kuin viileällä, johtuu se osin siitä, että on liian lämmin ja liikkuminen kömpelömpää (käytä liikkeittesi hahmottamiseen sosiaalista silmääsi eikä mekaanista mallia), ja osin siitä, että pitäisi eritellä olemuksestaan, mikä on lämpöä, mikä ruokaa jne mikä mitäkin, niin pää selkenisi.

A14.   If thoughts are in the summer part of the time sloppy and their quality poorer than on cool weather, it is partly a result of your body being too hot and your movements clumsy (use your social eye for conceiving your movements and not a mechanical model), and partly of you haven't been detailed on what is warmth, what is food and what is what of each kind of thing, so that you would notice how to think clearly.

A15.   Producing nonsense can be a question of having fun, but it can also be a consequence of the body being too hot like on a hot day or dizzy like in a flu while one behaves as if it weren't hot and dizzy but as if one's body had wisdom of life and one's views fractureless like on a morning after a good night's sleep while waking up when one has already risen from one's bed.  So one should cool one's head and body the same way as I told about a rainy day after some hot days, so that one's experience of life starts again to sing and one's perception ability is fractureless and landscape like and not fragmented and dizzy which just supposes but does not check.The wisdom of hot days is something like things not being squeezed to more flat like when it is too cool for the individual, but on a hot day relaxation brings room to be feeling, to make one's own choices, live in a good way and take positive goals along to one's plans, and sometimes, for example with the help of the nature, art or some summer happening, rise high above one's ordinary skill level somewhat like starting from positive goals brings good solutions if and when the basic level has been well taken care of.
In the Finnish climate a moment in the hot sun brings a possibility for regulating body temperature which brings a pleasant feeling and a good day, but it demands that one is actively changing place and activity instead of staying long in one place with certain temperature.

A16.   A much too hot body, like other big needs of the body and other big needs, if they are not listened to, can make one very angry, in a rage, for example recommending heavy or ordinary food to one who is too hot already or on a hot day. If it is hot and food causes you to feel not so well, or somehow hollw, or like as if you were forced, or in a bad mood and angry, then you should not eat at all such or anything else so heavy, not even one bite as long as it is so hot. If you feel like eating something, eat room temperature sallad or lemonade, or fresh vegetables or fruits or fatless milk or juice or the like. And you should take well care to get immediately comofrtably healthily cool again for example by going to the shadow of a house, taking a cool shower or going to a lake to get cool.
Likewise nauseating feeling, feeling wobbling(?), problems with keeping balance and pauses in consciousness after having eaten or drunken something in hot, is a sign of there having been too much fat in it or it having been too hot or otherwise too heavy for such weather. Spend some time in cool, for example in a cool shower cures you but don't eat or drink the same as long as it is hot.

A17.   If it is a hot day and the air does not move, it is often a sign of a thunderstarm coming with it's cooling rains. During a thunder storm one must not spend any moments on the highest spots and not near them, like not near tall trees, for to avoid being hit by a lightning. One also must not oneself be even roughly counting higher than the environment and not swim, to avoid being stuck by a lightning. Inside a car it is maybe safe, if windows are roughly closed.
On an ordinary day without thunder a wind of varying strenght somewhat like slow waves and moisture in the air, is a sign of quite soon coming ordinary rain. Plants need rainand likewise people need varying weathers to be able to regulate their body temperature and varying weathers bring a possibility for different kinds of things to do and for different types of people living together. 
Storm differs from wind and rain in that the wind waves at least some of the full sized trees instead of waving only the branches. Storms also break small branches from trees and throw them to the ground and at some places trees may fall. The weather forecast usually warns of storm in the previous day. Storm wind is often curly and of all the time varying strenght.
In the summer it can rain also tiny round pieces of ice,of differemt size at different occasions. Such rains are often short and on a very small area but can cause damage, for example break car windows if the pieces are really big, so one needs the shelter of a building or protecting one's head with arms and to take quickly children and pets into shelter. Often the sun shines at the same time and it is beautiful, and the ice melts soon on the ground.

A18.   If your body is too hot and it is a hot day, you should immediately move to a cool place and change to light hot day clothes. It is ok to drink but not to eat anything ordinary or heavy, but maybe a tomato is ok if you are hungry. Swimming, also walking to the water, and a cool shower are good ways to get cool, likewise big shadows of houses and the like.
Finns usually always take care to keep their body warm, even in the summer time. But many people in hot climates know how to cool their body also in hot weather. I guess that it goes by listening to the temperature of the air somewhat further away from the body, about it's coolness compared to the body temperature, and by keeping company to that cooler air, by feeling one's body as if it were somehow part of the same object as the air further away, somewhat like maybe with water when one drinks..
Finns too in the summer time keep somewhat company to the surrounding air which has the atmosphere of summer, how much depends on what right then brings a musical enjoyment of the weather. So in the autumn one needs to learn to give up that habit.

A19.   In Finland one does not usually spend siesta, not even in the summer time, but on hot summer days oneis often forced to take the hottest time of the day relaxedly, not doing much anything, and then in the evening cool spend time doing things. If one rests the hottest time of the day, falling to sleep as exhausted isn't so good for it, and neither is sloppy laziness, but it suits more like leisurely lying or lazily relaxedly doing things.

A20. If after having been in hot your body is still hot even though it is cooler, either evening or cooler weather, don't sit still waiting to get cool but instead you should move in cool, for your blood circulation to work well and bring a much more skilled and much more efficient way to regulate heat in the body, bring cool just right into the whole body, and evenly instead of likewhen staying unmoving cool surface but too hot in the middle. Read also B8.

A21. Summer'shot times don't usuallygo well if you think that you try to bear them through. Instead you should think of them as a challenge which you rise to meet with skills and virtues of your character.

A22. Colours (paints and textiles) that are used in warmer climates, cool efficiently, but one must be careful to not to cool too much and lose one's tuning to the climate of Finland. For example, I have a carpet that cools efficiently on hot days with it's colours and patterns, so that most of the year I cannot use it at all

A23. A quotation from my text about healthy ways of living
"353.Bearing hot weather seems to demand some kind of skill of making adjustments, which is like what moral brings: all the time one makes changes to one's way of living to get each part of the whole well, to a good state."

A24. If it is unbearably hot in the shadow, leaning to a cool wall or dushing one's legs with cool water can help to cook the body. In Fnland if you are sensitive to the landscape in what comes to temperature impressions, it has at some part a cool tone. If you keep company to that cool in the landscape by your body but not to anything warm, it can cool your body and make you feel relieved.

A25. In the tropics people seem to be too clumsy for heat regulation to work out well. Fine coordination of the body makes heat regukation easier, brings a touch with one's heat regulation skills. Such is born from listening daily at least a little bit of music that one likes and from civilized wisdom to read.

Also the advices in the part C matter especially on a hoit day, see especially C10

B) cool

B1.   In the summer too weathers vary, usually in terms of a few days, so you need more or less clothes. Socks and a quite thin knitted shirt are used for warmth in the summer time. In the coolest days long trousers or a long skirt and a long-sleeved shirt or a thin coat. Running shoes are typically too warm for summer use but they fit cool days, and sandals are the ordinary summer shoes.

B2.   On sunny summer days it can be hot in the sun but amazingly much cooler in cool shadowy indoors, which can cause indoors pedantic agitated state of mind, if one does not change to autumn and spring like more active sporty ways to do things and dress warmly enough while one is in shadowy indoors for a long time. Likewise in the summer there can be large shadows of trees or houses, cool evenings and cooler days, when it is good, if you feel cool, be sportily active and dress warmly enough. Warm summer clothes include long-sleeved shirt, thin woolen shirt, socks, long-sleeved trousers, warmer shoes, summer coat, nylon sockings. In coolone cannot lay relaxedly like in the sun and not be as unactive either.If one spends a longer time in cool, one needs the ordinary meals, unlike in a hot day in the sun.

B3.   The summer evenings are cool and one needs typically a long-sleeved shirt and long trousers, maybe socks. If one gets cold and maybe shivers from cold, one must put on warmer clothes, move and quite soon go indoors, where one can cook tea and eat something with it, for example Carelian pie with cheese.

B4.   In the summer timefi you don't feel well and not with the rythm of life but are somehow melancholic, you have maybe eaten too little, too lightly. Being on a diet to get thin isn't effective on the summer time, but is better on the other seasons when staying warm demands energy. In the summer time you should eat according to what you feel like eating, but healthily with lots of fresh vegetables, and try different types of meals to find out what you need. Often one should eat healthy basic food but as lighter versions than in the other seasons, and part of the time try same kind of meals as people you know to see if those fit to your summer, for example to hot or cool days. Most long for very light meals in the summer time most of the time but sometimes they need also heavy meals like a beaf in the garden, and on cool days or after sitting in cool in the evening for a long time ordinary healthy meals like on the other seasons but especially with fresh vegetables and the like and remembering to drink really lot but not so much water since that does not have salts. 

B5.   In the Finland's climate if you live healthily there aren't any cold aches. In warmer climates on cool evenings or on cool days the cool may feel like a rapture and bring cold aches, which are a result of the body being too cold, for example cold on the surface and hot in the middle parts. One can often experience one's own body temperature by touching the skin with a hand. Motion makes blood circulation better and helps to keep the whole body evenly warm, of healthy normal temperature of the body. Mocing sportily also helps to create warmth, if needed, and on the other hand it can with the help of the surrounding cool air cool the body, if needed, but that is evenly on the whole body when blood circulation is good, like it should. Don't copy from people more fat than you or from people more used to hot days than you, so as to avoid learning habits which make the body too cool and are nonsporty. Copy instead from people thinner than you or more used to the Finnish climate, copy things connected to heat regulation and quickness of movements.
(Instructions on how to get warm )

B6.   If there is in the summer cool cloudy weather, mainly grey, then courageous and sporty way of moving like in the autumn when weathers get cooler, brings a pleasant mind, good posture/attitude and a taste of life bringing a good day out of a grey one, like the wheels of a car biting into the asphalt.

B7.   Usually in teh summer time and especially when it is cooler, not being active brings apathy. It is good to sometimes have a holiday and to enjoy the summer but also more active things lighten up the mood. Motion makes one feel bvetter, for example bicycling and swimming. Lazying fits the hottest days.
(For advices about starting a more sporty life see point 41. at  )

B8.   A rainy day after a sequence of sunny days brings a relief to those who suffered from the heat: to humnas, especially to plants and also to animals. The way one lives on hot days is relaxed largely unactive and sloppy, when on the other hand the relief of cool weather and rain allows (1.) tuning one's body temperature to a nice level between hot days and cool, and brings an (3.) atmospheric, (5.) sporty, (6.) with freedom to do what one likes, (8.) activity and (2.) more distant social relationships like if (4.) everybody has time for themselves and (7.) enough energy to carry through things in a good mood, in a wrod (9.) life sings and the skills brought by other seasons help to keep life nicely, the body warm inside and out the air good for being active and for pleasant being.
About singing experience of life see also this blog's long text about the healthy natural ages old ways of living .

B9.   Nervousness in the summer time is usually the same as on the other seasons: a consequence of too cool clothes and of eating too lightly, which is like being on a diet to get thin or having mistaken the season. It is nasty for others because one often then is also tired, negative and agitated toward others while the weather would make all in a socially good mood and friendly, active in well working ways and getting well along, which is one of the best sides of summer for them and among the prequisites for the rest and refrehing effect of their freetime. The forefigures womens' magazines give women are typically characteristics of the most skilled ones, and not the looks of learning to be skilled, and so they among other things are usually much thinner than what would be the right weight for each ordinary individual woman to be naturally in a good mood and for one's life to work out well.

C) variations of weather and adjustments

C1.   In the summer one often does not feel well if one spends too much time indoors or is too unactive. One may also often feel not motivated if one is too much indoors or not at all active. One should go out to the greenery and spend much bigger part of one's time outdoors and healthily go to happenings and take part in active life.

C2.   If your summer does not work out but you feel somehow as if ill in the summer time, you should take care of the basic things of living the summer. 1.5 liters limonade (light?) fixes most of your need for water and salts (you need it especially once but some buy on a few following days too but they do not need it so dearly then anymore). One should take care that one is not too hot (change to a cooler palce, for example toa big shadow or go swimming or walk to the water or take a cool shower or eat lots of small pieces (small enough to avoid using your teeth more than slightly) of frozen juice (but if you are not used to almost total lack of bacteria due to cold, drink soon afterwards maybe a half a glass of ordinary juice or the like from which you get the bacteria you need or maybe wash your hands with warm water or the like like is customary in your climate.)) or too coll (change to warmer place or put on more clothes, especially socks, and move). Heat regulation skills are brought by admiring the greenery and sporty motion to get blood circulate well. Instead of being stuck indoors one should in the summer time spend as much time outdoors in the lush summer greenery as possible, preferably in half shadow and variedly in the sun or in the shadow, and do meaningful things. Instead oif a habitual fixed perspectiuve one should be of somewhat adventurous mind: what summer time nice you can find around the corner of your house, or in summer happenings or when wandering in the city, visiting people you know, espcecially if they have kids or a garden, or in the swimming place on a lake shore in the half-shadow of trees, and the like. In addition one should avoid eatuing heavily when it is hot but eat something anyway, for example sallad and lemonade, and in the evening a proper meal.

C3.   Some are on guard during the other seasons because of cold and cool, and work well because of that, but in the summer time they don't know how one should live, should one be on guard and how to live. I would say that the fear of being harmed by cold and the hardships of wild animals and plants are mostly on the other seasons, except that the predators hunt birds' young and the offspring of other small animals, and insects and birds eat lots of insects and also the rain may kill lots of insects. But for humans the summer is different mainly because the ways of doing things are different on the summer time: not so formal but more individual, practical and feeling, going quicker through things. Also the environment and the time of the year are different: there are holidays and one should load energy to reserves for the rest of the year instead of emphasizing working. In the summer time warmth brings also a more relaxed rythm: not stuck to habits but being common sense like, listening to the rythms of life, regulating the time spend in sun and shadow, interested more in goals and motivational factors than in working which would suit better cool weather.

C4.   If the summer feels somehow flat and too mild, it is maybe because you should have made a clear difference between the time you use to work and to things related to work, and on the other hand to free time activities, for example set aside a certain time each day for work and at other times arrange some active summer like things to do, for example a summer trip to somewhere, so that it is clearly a different time, a differemt kind of sequence of time as work, so that freetime brings forces, energy, relaxation and refreshment.

C5.   If you feel that you haven't been left enough room to enjoy the summer, change to clearly holiday like ways, for example to clearly holiday type of clothes and maybe go to some summer happening or get some motion, since summer is for holidays, not just a pause of a quarter of an hour between work.

C6.   In the summer time if upon coming from work one is left with a pedantic and/or stuck state of mind which does not fit summer, one should first if one needs such, rest a moment, maybe eat something of suitable kind and drink enough water or the like, maybe quickly change clothes to more leisurely ones. Then right after that spend a while doing something which in a way is work like, real things to do that you drown into, but clearly of free time subjects and not of the type of your work, so that you get rid of work habits and into the subject of spending free time. So for example a game, or reading some papers as a job which you need for some freetime purpose, reading a newspaper story of a freetime subject, taking care of some freetime thing, some hobby, some summer time thing to do or maybe listen some nice song in the radio. After that at least for a moment it would be nice to have somewhat sporty motion as a part of something that you do, for example going to the garden or taking a short bicycle trip somehwere to fetch something and at the same time on the road talking with people and looking at the greenery. The rest of time freely but motivatedly and fitting your own things together with the wishes of others according to the rule "Live and let others live".

C7.   If the summer feels noninteresting and largely all the time the same things offered and maybe too hot and too soft, you have propably thought of the summer as longer than it is and you haven't picked from the happenings, hobbies and other activities just the most fascinating ones, but instead you have been absentmindedly taking part in too many not-so-interesting ones. Summer time is a good time for highlights. Even if you couldn't go to a really interesting happening more often than once a week, it is worth it anyway, even if the way there would be longer. Then if you during the week for example go to swim sometime, it brings a fresh mind, a pleasant feeling and physical fitness. Also the greenery feels stronger if in your life there is also something else fascinating than always the same two or three trees or bushes to look at and all day long nothing else to do. Being active and sporty motion bring a good mood and fascinating things make life feel fuller. If you are for example on a holiday trip taking part skriik skrääk only for the company of others, you don't bring an as good holiday to your children either as when you were in a good mood, with a healthy spirit and fascinated with life, sending others to such life cheerfully too. 

C8.   Don't go to a strict diet to get thin for the summer if you aren't good with diets. Instead listen to your feelings and temptation about what would be the right amount of food, what kind of food and how much activities. If you some day before noon don't want to eat more than juice and maybe an apple, you will not get fat from that, since it is your natural choise and not a diet. In the winter there is lots of time indoors and so food may take the place of content for life, but when the possibilities to move outdoors and do all kinds of nice things in the wider world increase, you likewise need less food when things to do bring energy. In the spring and summer you need less food, but not all the time light but sometimes also a proper meal and a proper snack according to what you feel like eating, and if you no longer feel like eating, just drop it away in the middle right then. Happiness and smile charm better than a thin body, but it is natural to get somewhat thinner toward the summer, without loosing a good mood.

C9.   Finland's summer is too hot for some and too cool for some. But a Finn can adjust one's body heat regulation between Lapplandish staying warm in cool and hot day's relaxed lazying in the sun. Good feeling is like in half-shadow: On the other hand summer like warm but not hot and on the other hand a nice cool breeze from one direction or from another after just short pauses, so that it is easy to regulate one's body temperature according to which one one goes along with more. In half-shadow it is also nice the sunlight coming through the tree branches: it's beauty and the warmth of sunny spots which though isn't hot.

C10.   In Finland summer is the favourite season for most even though they like other seasons too. So if your summer does not work out, if it does not feel so nice, try to be without influencies from other climates and maybe from other cultures too, but live only in the Finnish way, so that with Finnish skills and Finnish ways of living the summer usually is a magnifient experience and very comfortable, relaxed, enjoying the summer time.
But the people in Lappland don't feel well in warm summer but have great skills for very cool weathers. Sauna teaches Finns some skills of living with the hottest summer days, but one must take care to not to spend a long time on a hot sunny open space or the like. But on a hot summer day sauna isn't a good idea in the evening either, because the body needs on the hottest days the coolness of the evenings to recover from the hottest time and to ready for the next day.

C11.   In the summer, like in the other seasons, it is good if one has also something else to do and the weather, even if it would be warm or otherwise a summer weather, is just part of the time subject of attention, since weathers vary and demand adjustments which for the active is something nice to do in between but which for the lazy can be a burden and ruin the joy from the day.

C12.   If you are among the few who do not like summer, you can move to live nearer Lappland or to Lappland. In the sea cost winters aren't as cold as inland. And there are both towns and smaller places. But winters are there darker, and in the north there is a time in the winter when sun does not rise above the horizon.
Foreign tree species get leaves two or three weeks later than the ordinary Finnish tree species. If that is enough of summer for you, you could well move to live a few hundred kilometers northward.

C13.   In the spring foreign tree species, which especially some parks in the city centers have, they get leaves later. So in the beginning of summer when they do not yet have full sized leaves, one should be especially with Finnish tree species in order to enjoy greenery. That is why instead of to the city centre one should go for a walk to suburbs, forest patchs, bicycle roads or the like, so summer comes quicker and lasts longer.
In the middle of May Finnish tree psecies have full sized leaves. So they look just like in the summer. But they do grow new leaves in the summer time. If trees don't have full sized leaves then, they are either foreign species or on a very shadowed place. So find some other place to enjoy the beginning of the summer. The summer does not feel like it begun already if trees don't have full siuzed leaves.

C14.   Each season's way of living, things to do, rythm of life, mood, how prepared you are and to which things, attitudes toward the weathers and the phenomena in life, type of being active and how one is tuned to certain way of living with it's values and attitudes, are diffrent from season to season and so one should not think of the other seasons while one lives a certain seasons. The temparature difference between Finland's hottest summer day and coldest winter day is some 60 degrees Celcius and so each season is of it's own kind and does not allow being tuned to other seasons. Roughly a month forward and maybe a week or two backwards in time one can tune to weathers and for maybe two months forward be prepared to what kind of weathers are coming and to be aware till the endof the season that one presently lives when ne season turns to another, but not further or one loses one's skill to live the seasons. Each season has it's own way of doing and so winter things should not be read about in the summer ort one does not learn from them skills in staying warm for winter time's need and loses joy from the summer.

C15.   The elements of healthy natural life are like nutritients: you need of them at least alittle bit but the right amount is determined by your sensations and their effect on your life. or example it is good to spend time in the nature uin the summer, but if you don't like it, try it some time for a moment and the next time find a better place, time, company, activity etc so that the choices fit you and are with a healthy spirit. If you don't like something, typically it isn't a very good idea to do it every day, at least mcuh. On the other hand one needs for example motion bbut one needs to find a way of moving that fits oneself and brings good effects, movce according to temptations and not like a machine.

C16.   The day of the poet Eino Leino is 6th July, but who would have the energy to read in the middle of summer? In the beginning of the summer poems fitted better and lifted the atmohsphere and wisodm of life.

C17.   Music in the radio is often chosen to fit the time and seasdon, so that following the radio can be a key to right ways of living the season, also to ways suited to keeping warm.

C18.   The weathers and temperatures vary in summer days a lot. If you look at the outdoors thermometer several times a day, it is easier for you to dress according to the weather and to rythm your actions right. Even if the thermometer shows wrong temperature when sun shines to it, you can still estimate from it something of the heat. There are also differencies in temperature between locations so summer cottage should have it's own outdoor thermometer.

C19.   If you donot know the weathers of other seasons, you still need a thermometer. Already a difference of 10C is for clothes like a difference between seasons. 
In the summer when hot sunny weather changes to cool rainy weather can neighbouring days have a temperature difference of 20C.

C20.   Summer holiday or enjoying the summer does not mean only lazying, even though that is typical for hottest days, but even if you were a lazy character, it is good for enjoyment, activity and getting things done, if you have at least five monutes of things to do quickly and continue from that like is natural free running kind of singing still active, so you have content to life, touch with life, taste of life, variation, get things done, realize that activity brings a good mood, and a varying rythm too.

C21.   I only now realized that all maybe don't like the summer, but it seens to be a question of a lack of skill. In the summer the rythm of life is differentamddepends on the weather. One does not sit for long at one place, more likeone spedns time. If one for example goes to market place, so from one place one has one kind of view, the next moment the buzzle of people covers it, from a third point again another kind of view to the life at the market place. In the summer time the rythm varies quickly, from relaxed spending time to wandering or doing, watching the weather, admiring the greenery, being social etc. Partly that is why food too should not be heavy but lighter which leave room for being lively - except of course if you for sure are hungry a certain amount.
To the summer clishes belong ice cream on children, and all tend to need some ice cream for catching a summer mood, but adults typically dont feel like eatinga s much ice cream as they out of a habit tend to buy. going to swim is nice, even every day. It is nice to spend time in the garden, children palying and adults doing something or just spending time. Some think that eating out in the garden is one of the highlights of the summer but for others it is too heavy because it is warm.
Trips, visiting people, happenings, some nice motion together with neighbours for example beach volley or frisbee. If you feel melancholis you have too little to do, and too little happenings. Holiday trips in Finalnd.

C22.   Often one feels nasty in the summer if one spends too much time in the sun or for long in only shadow. The best is half shadow under the trees when there is slight wind and company or variedly in the sun and shadow. Also on sunny days there are quite small round clouds on the sky which offer moments of shadow also on sunny days.

C23.   In Finland one can, if one wants, make love in the summer time, it aren't too hot, but one should avoid doing it in the hottest summer days, in hot places or where ordinarily is hot so that there are more bacteria there, and avoid too hard hysical activity on very warm days, and take care of being clean, for example by taking a shower and changing clothes and sheets.

C24.   The summer does not feel like summer if you hanven't swimmed in a lake, walked barefoot on grass and spent time in the nature for example in a garden and been active.

C25.   For some only summer weathers of somewhat over 20C are ok, and hot days are too hot and cool days and cool evenings too cool. Summer demands lots of adjusting the amount and type clothing. In the evening one usually needs a long-sleeved shirt or a knitted lon-sleeved shirt and has to change to long trousers and wear socks, maybe also running shies, and on rainy days, if it is cool, also a rain coat. On the other hand on hot days in the middle of the day one needs to wear only hot day dress or the like, very light and usually much too cool, and go to swim if one has been in hot, and take care to not to eat anything heavy. So one lives the different weathers in different ways of living as if one were travelling abroad in different climates.

C26.   Reading does not fit the summer as well as into the other seasons. Negative agitated atmosphere around may be a consequence of trying to continue reading the newspaper etc like in the spring time. One should live practical life giving room to the rythms of summer and to having a real holiday. A summer like way to read is something like the way of reading afternoon newspapers, reading something spirited, or reading something much less work like, like an adventure novel to get the summer going.

C27.   To some type of not feeling well in the summer time and not bearing things well, helps to eat ice cream, which I guess is ordinary ice cream like ordinary vanilla for example. Usually one needs ice cream like a couple of times taking part in eating one liter of ice cream, or buying from kiosk on summer days. If ice cream made you feel better, brought a good mood and an ability to get along with things, it was a right choise. It is said that ice cream suits the summer.
It is similarly with the need for other foods, especially for lots of vegetables and sallad in the summer time. In the summer time Finns eat almost every day fresh sallad made from big pieces of tomato, cucumber and ordinary sallad. Sometimes on hot times it is the main meal, maybe with somethinga added (as cold: pieces of fish or pieces of chicken or small pieces of pork or quite big pieces of egg and pasta, rise or pieces of potatoes, but with them it soon gets rotten), and often it is a fresh sallad eaten with ordinary meal.
If one feels unsteadily pedantic, to that usually heps to eat a meal or some meals of heavier food, for example a beaf or chicken in the grill. In the summer time one often eat quite lightly, without much calories, so it makes sense that one part of the time needs also heavier food. One needs Hornet spiced chicken in grill or oven if one has angry or pedantic relationships somehow in connection with the summer. (Or then such atmosphere, for example as if one were under attacks of some evil woman, is a consequence of there after all being (tidy) mice in the apartment and them wanting in the late spring and in the summer time daily outdoors to spend the summer there, new young mice, for the whole summer.)
The advertisements of food shops have often foods suited to the ongoing seasons, so that one can when bladdring them through listen to one's sensations of how one would feel in consequence of eating such food. It is said that food shop keepers can give good advice if you feel that there is something wrong or lacking from your diet and you wanna get advices for it.

C28. Complaining or crying kind of feeling in the evening of a hot summer day or warm day means that one would already need a proper meal, one like in the other seasons plus fresh vegetables or at least fruit.

 C29. If you in the sumer feel apathic, it means that you have spent too much time indoors. You should go out where there is green and summer like and from now on spend a much larger part of your time outdoors where there is green and birdsong and other things that belong to summer.

C30. A melancholic mood in the summer usually nmeans that it is cooler than what you are tuned to. In the summer different people have usually been in very different temperatures, and those who have been in warm but not in hot usually are in the best mood, but if you copy from them you get tuned so that you too would need warm to feel positive. Sunshine, sunside room also in the next day after sunshine, shadow side and whether you shortly visit the room or does one spend a long time in the same place, and whether one is dressed warm enough, determine a lot about one's heat regulation, and likewise somewhat what one has lately eaten. Visiting places of different temperatures, moving and being active is usually the besta alternative.

C31. To a not-so-pleasant feeling helps a varying rythm:
"If the spring time's weathers in April feel uneasy, either too varying or too much always the same, I guess it helps to use a varied rythm in wandering outdoors and in life otherwise too, so that one sees what works well and how heat regulation and changes in ways of living according to weather and need of variation in life make one's experience of life melodical."

D) Other summer time nuisancies

D1.   Young birds are not skille din walking and the bird mother commands them to stay in the nest, and that can make people too clumsy in the beginning of the summer. Likewise in the beginning of the summer one may be outdoors less skilled than usual, if that is connected to young birds, for example via sounds of birds.
Insects worry about the autumn and would like to know that by looking at a (pine?) forest (/nature?) landscape one can from it's atmosphere learn autumn and cool weather skills and maybe try them already in the summer time.

D2.   In the end of July and in the beginning of Ayugust, when there have been the heat of July for a long time, there are more bacteria around than usual and so wounds get easily inflammated. The amount of bacteria gets smaller maybe two weeks after the hot days are gone.

D3.   In the summer and especially in periods with hot weather one needs to brging the garbage out to garbage can(?) much more often to precvent it from smelling, so one might recommend once a day and things with food that gets easily spoiled and starts to smell a lot one should bring out to the garbage immediately. Compost separately from the other trashes, since compost smells more easily and one should classify trashes. If you cannot take a smelling garbage immediately outy to garbage can, put it to cool, like garbage in kitchens is in cool low under the kitchen sink in a closet which prevents the smell from spreading so easily, and shut it in a plastic bag airtightly so that it cannot spread it's smnell. If you were left at all with a feeling like with bacteria in your hands or hands dirty, wash your hands with cool water on a wide area and do not touch food or dishes immediately afterwards but after a moment it is ok. But in the winter time it can be almost antiseptic and it isn't good to take garbage out so often.
If one empties the food packeges fully and brings the soon spoiled garbage to the outdoors trash bin, then if one has chosen foods that one likes, one can leave the empty open food package in sight and so it gets dried quickly and does not smell at all. Of meat, fish etc, foods that get spoiled quicklly, one needs to wash the poackages with water first.
In the summer, if there are any, even tiny, pieces of food in the sink, it may easily start to smell, to which helps carefully avoiding pieces of food in the sink and maybe a thin metal net, that you can empty, above the sink hole. The sink can also start to smell because it is dry, to which helps to run large amounts of water to it. In the shopd it is sold some liquid with which to open a sink, but one must be very careful with such since they are not healthy. One can also place a bulb or cover above a smelling sing so that the smell does not spread.In the summer cottage it could also be the mice using the sink as a toilet, to which helps to discuss with family members a better alternative for them, especially that for the mice it is oh so nice to live outdoors in the lush nature in the summer time.

D4.   In the darkest times of the year in december feels darkness like a burden. In the summer one can lioad sunlight to storage by enjoying the lightness. On the other hand, if you miss darkness, you can in addition to using curtains for dimming the room also load your need for darkness to storage for the darkest seasons to bring a more pleasant mood. It somehow helps even if some other season brings a suitable amount of light and looking around or darkness, rest and at home at the warmth of a blanket with the suppoirt of warm food calming down, maybe in the light of a reading lamp to other worlds by the eyes of a book peeking.

D5.   In the summer time in the evenings and in cool moist places there are often mosquitoes, to which helps somewhat to be polite and considerate toward them, and in addition there are mosquito repellents but they are often too poisonous and one should avoid them. Usually places which mosquitos like are avoided in the evening time and so one goes indoors or much further away from clearly moist terrain and pools on the ground in which mosquitoes enjoy to live. To windows there are mosquito nets which one can use if one wants to keep the window open, but they are nets fastened to a wooden frame and not like in the tropics. One should not scratch mosquito bites, at least not much since that causes them to tingle more. One can buy from the aphotec some salva for them.
In addtion there are in the summer time ticks(??) which spend time in long grasses. Because of them one needs after travelling in long grasses in the evening of the same day check one's body and that of one's kids and pets that there are no such fastened to one's body. One can easily remove a tick(?) by a tick remover that is sold in the aphotecks or in the pet equipments in shops. It has a loop that is places next to the skin around the tick(?), then made the loop smaller and turned around quite lightly which easily removes the parasite. Some ticks(?) spread a disease called borreliosis, but it does not spread immediatreöly when the tick bites but only after a longer time. If around the bite comes later a larger reddish circle, one should contact a nurse or doctor. But all ticks do not spread borreliosis. If a tick is left for a longer time it's bite in the skin gets slightly or somewhat more inflammated.

D6.   About summer love (from this blog's text about the healthy natural ages old ways of living, advice 173. yet not translated):
"If one tries to live according to a more sexual reputation than what one feels right and natural for oneself, one easily feels agitated and tired since the relationships and life do not work out as well as they should. So if one wants to be more sexual with roughly all of the opposite sex to get social contacts work out well, the sex roles are good for that, but one should not take whatever role or the most recommended role but instead find the one that is most natural for oneself, gives best life, is something that you easily fall into on free time, something from which you find good life and nice things to do that just you happent olike, so that you are active and in a good mood with a good spirit and so in associating with people momentarily or going to shops and such, maybe one third of the opposite sex makes you think "Oh a woman" or "Oh a man" somehow handsomely, charmingly, pleasantly and you get well along.
On the other hand if you search for how you yourself would be very sexual and charming, then living Life with a big L, while searching for better life according to the rule "Live and let others live" (see this blog's text about it and it's link), maybe brings such in those circles which you like, to which you want to anchor your life."

D7.   If the summer does not work out, does not feel nice, does not start well or feelsnonmotivating, swim in a lake, at least once, so you get a summer like feeling. At least walk to the water. It helps somewhat also to swim in a pool outdoors.

D8. On hot weather one is clumsier than usually, and so an ordinary amount of things around at home appears as a mess. Bot when it is hot one does not have the energy to tidy or clean at home, likewise somewhat one warm weather. So cleaning and tidying goes best on cool weather in between. If one makes things nice looking and comfortable for how weather lazying, that is very much more charming than what one would reach on hot days' view. But often on cool days too one does better workif one picks a lazier work done more for comfort and basic tidying & cleaning than some thorough rearrangement of everything.

D9. Women who wear a skirt in the summer time may have the problem of thighs touching, to which often helps to wear bermudas under the skirt, or to wear summer trousers or bermudas.
"Getting thinner quick and easily, comfortably
If your emotional ideal weight is thinner than your present weight. And if the season is such that one uses quite lot of food. But you don't need even all present fat to bear the weather. Then you copuld get somewhat thinner quick, for example in five minutes and then would your diet already be over for the time being. And in so doing you would feel somewhat like one who has eaten oily food or bakery.
So: You can pay attention to your emotional iudeal weight, which needs to be honestly estimated, you real goal. And so you can then take such weight as your identity, that means somewhat smaller body and a body form & size according to your character. The fat that is over this, especially ones feeling cumbersome or not so good, you can let to melt away, and to come near the stomach as an effect like buttery food, which replace some of the fat of some near future meal but not it's nutritients.
So you still need healthy meals.
 I do notr know how well one gets thinner with this but it appears that at least somewhat if the smaller body size is left as one's identity, a more satisfied picture of oneself. Somehow I would suppose that in teh human nature there is some natural weight control mechanism like this."

D10. One cannot copy from the people of Lappland in warm summer time or one feels agitated and pedantic, but instead only to cool summer weathers.

D11. On warm summer days one'ssocial space isn't so wide and active, but instead somewhat like spending time in a garden swing: leisurely and quite much with the area near by, and with things further away only watching like the scenery from a hill.

D12.  If one wnats to sit on grass, then on sun burned dry short grass one often feels as if being disturbed by others, likewise if someone has sat a moment earlier on almost the same spot, but if a half an hour has passed after they have left or if you sit a pair meters further away, it is usually quite good tyo sit. Long grass that has been in shadow is somewhat luxory like and pleasant but in shadow one soon feels cold and needs to return to sun or half shadow.

D13."About how summer is benefical for one's understanding
In the summer time it is easy to reach one's best skill level. In the summer there is holiday or at least the value of free time is emphasized, and in addition the nature is at it's most flourishing. Warm weather that is good to live in more relaxed ways, makes one let go of stuck habits,which are partly a consequence of a work like stuck way of doing and partly of the bpdy being tense in a stuck way, and so as one relaxes and changes to free time, one's attention widens to include more perspectives and the rythm of understanding changes fromstuck work like to catching new things and searching for meaningfulness. One's experience in work like objective thinking makes it easy to go through objectively those new perspectives without it taking much time. The flourishing nature together with healthy ways of living brings in the atmospheres of plants branches a model of successfull solutions and successfull ways of doing along the lines of healthy natural ages old ways of living. So as one looks at the nature or has just admired the nature, one catches easily and understands better than usually such subjects that the nature is a model of. Getting motion, for example swimming, brings an ability to take into account varying temperatures and other situations: there I noticed that and here already now I have taken it fully into account and live according to that understanding without problems, sovereignly. SSummer time's relaxedness and the varying weathers cause that one does not get stuck in the new things either so that they would be a burden, but instead the body changes to new mood and the mind to new things, to new things to do."

D14.  If there is in the summer a not-so-good and not-so-happy atmosphere, more like in vain with some arrangements, it is often a consequence of there being more influence from all women than usually, and they all aren't so happy and do not all have so much wisdom of life, instead some are still on a diet and angry and with poor spirit because of the diet. Better to take influences from all in the usual ways: llike common sense says and like what produces a good end result, so also from men and kids. If the influences from kids are not so nice, try to be completely without influences fromschool teaches, so that the common sense of kids and their tendency to concentrate on just living the life get room.

D15. Women's non-energetic mood, not feeling well in the summer time, can partly be a consequence of the souds of machine tools, cars and other humans, when they maybe suppose that in the summer one should pay attention to women and that women usually live so and so which then isn't happy. So if one does not feel well in the summer, one ought to be more separate from the rest of the life in the environement, have a healthy spirit of one'sown and not suppose that one ought to live the summer together with the rest of the life in the landscape. So even if one does not feel well, one should follow one's own skills of living the summer, and not to rely on the rythm of others to their view of women's style in the summer or the like.

D16. On warm summer weathers begin already opened paint pots and the like smell even if on cool weathers they did not smell. One is not allowed to put them outdoors, since the air stands still during the night and the smell spreads widely as strong. The top of the paint pot is somewhat like a hat upside down. The paint pot is opened by tirning the lid of the hat like top upwards. In the summer you should place the top tightly on the paint pot and carefully with a hammer turn the lid to horizontal position and it will not smell. Of similar smelling bottles close the cap tightly and place the bottle inside several airtight palstic bag layers and preferably keep it in cool. Construction equipment shops take back paints and the like, there is maybe an airtight closet outside the shop to store them overnight.

* * *

30. July 2018
I wonder if the people in tropics have a way of the body cooling itself, but only if they are not used to air conditioned rooms. People in fever tend to shiver from cold. Maybe if one would take that feeling of cold in the limbs and in the central body, and invest in it, and on the other hand remove, resist the kkkrrraaahhh like heat rpoduction and the heat producing way to use the muscles and keepthe muscles somewhat ready for action, maybe then would there be born a heat recucing natural skill in the body?
Otherwise I  guess that a warm air blower like phenomenom ought to be avoided, if one wants to get cool. Also people who are natural work less against themselves, so that sounds cooler or at least better for natural skills. Calm, following feelings in harmony with the world, basic sports skills, civilized.

26.5.2019   A quotation from the May part of the text about the seasons:

In the summer having made indoors nice affects one's mood a lot indoors. I guess that it ought to be so that the summer's cool weathers feel cool, so that there would be at least a little bit of the skills of staying warm of the other seasons, and hot days hot, so that kind of heat regulation, which at least for me means something with strong colours like of those who like hot and bigger areas quite light and other things fitting together with it but not so striking the eye, for example grey and brown. There ought to be not masses of tiny things like papers at all, especially not near the window, but instead clear, not so demanding, somehow flourishing, bringing a good mood. But I do not know this so well, but women may often in teh summer have a not so good mood because of this, to which helps to spend lots of time outdoors.


7th August 2019   This summer maybe in June I composed this:
 And of how summer makes understanding better, this:

26.6.2020   One learns heat regulation of summer's warm days from trees and from some smaller plants: wandering like the branches curve/edge.

15th of July 2020   If it is hot and you feel dizzy, maybe tired and sleepy and as if with soem bacterias, there propably is some dirt somewhere. On a hto weather all surfaces, skin, clothes, dishes etc should be kept clean by washing them more often than usually.Also garbage must be carried to outdoor garbage bin more often. Also others may have similar problems, so keep an eye on ventilation air and close the window if there is air with the feel of bacteria, dirt or illness.

1.5.2023   The natural heating or cooling ability of the body
W9.   As far as I understand body heat regulation and other bodily regulation and wisdom about states of mknd and of feelings, works best if one has natural kind of sporty and musical muscle tone and postures gotten some view of nsturality from how plants' branches grow toward light, toward better life. Then one can for examole according to the situation tune the thus naturally kept parts of the body toward heating or cooling, do so by paying attention to temoeratures and needs of warmth or cooling, and kind ofcreligiously musically wish and inform those naturally wise parts of the body that they should cool or warm. 

3rd of July 2023   If it is a hot day and you are inside where it is cool but still you feel ill, it is a matter of balancing the adjustments, which is the subject in part C. It might also be cool indoors, which is in part B. Or hot day evening or hot day after one has come in, which are either in A or B. 

21st of August 2023   If the smell of an air coolibg device comes from animals which have gone near the device, the chemical like side of the smell maybe is a result of the kind of square empty looking outer walls of the device, to which would help placing a postcard of a scene with trees or some other natural plants in a climate where temperature varies between the outdoor temperature and the temperature caused by the cooler. 

About healing late autumn stomach ache

 See my book about the four seasons!   About foods for the time when the...