Monday, September 16, 2024

If the weathers are too even

 If somewhere in the trooics the weathers are too even and that is a burden, could one use body cooling like in the weather sdvice for all climates, see , use it when it seems to relieve how one feels, and adjust the amount of cooling or warmth according to the situation and like one feels to be wise for the moment. For example when entering a ship and in varied phaces of the journey. Or when going outdoors and walkkng there short distancies with quite low bushes, pavement, maybe some flowers, social miljos, different things to do. 

From this blog's text about the arctic tundra: 

"Lately I have wondered if the heat regulatiob advice at which can be used also for cooling, coulg bring a similar wider variation in ways of living the weathers, times of the day and things done, in much warmer climates. I do not know so much about cooling, but it seems that the body can cool itself too, using the same advice. A cooling state of mind is maybe a slight fear like (or doubt like consideration) "ouch, could that be that so?" (without lising any of one's emotional balancedness) (so kind of more like pretending fear than actually feeling really in a danger, maybe like in a discussion saying as a thinking aid "well, that would be horrible, do you really think so?") kind of moving emotionally away from next to some central, in shape bone like parts of the torso or limbs, kind of an emotional flattenibg there. Or copying from the Arabs some image of what ice tea like wind cause inside the limbs. 

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