Just a guess, see https://composingmelodies.blogspot.com/2023/12/natural-mood-in-tropics.html
And https://parantamisesta6.blogspot.com/2023/12/vaihtelusta-tropiikkilausille.html
" Like in my advices about giving birth, see https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/10/miracle-healing-advices.html , I have the conviction that so hot that one is relaxed slumber like unmoving and flat like an object isn't wise, instead of finding the body temperature where movements are sensitevely according to feelings and one's best understanding, life enjoyable and wise. From lne's experience of lufe and of sports and moving, one could find such a body temperature, and try my advice W9. at learntalents.blogspot.com for cooling also in warmer temperatures, so that one could read a sensitive enjoyably alive feeling varied wsy of moving with wisdom of life, and tgat would maybe be somethkng lije the palm trees or some i.oression of the nature around there. And so one maybe could notice the temperature, wind and moisture variations etc and learn to tune one's ways of living accordingly, in varied ways.
Vastaavasti päivän tekemuset ja niiden sopivuus eri vuorokaudenaikoihin on hyvä ottaa huomioon tekemusentapoja, pukeutumusta ja elämän rytmiä vaihdellen. Siitä on jokin engl. kurjoitukseni vatsalihasten ja ryhdin yns vaihteluihkn liittyen. Radion musiikki, päivään uutisiin tms sovitettuna, lehden kuvat tyypillisestä paikallusesta elämästä ja miljööstä voivat tuoda näkökulmia joista elämä sujuu kivasti.
Ajattelun tarkoitus ei ole tehdä vaihtelematonta strategiaa elämään vaan tuoda maailmankuva, joka tarjoaa vaihtelevia tekemusiä. Niitä myös usein media tarjoaa paikalluseen makuun esim tiettyjen tapahtumaviikkojen aikaan, tai vaikka vinkkejä työntekoon, ruokalajeihin tms.
24.12.2023 "f15. 9th of August 2023 I was thinking of how people from the tropics tend to keep their stomach muscles unmoving, it seems rigidly the same all the time, which does not allow variations in the ways of doing according to the things done. The ever varying weathers in a climate of four seasons bring lots of such variation, which to me feels like needed for wisdom of lufe, and is good for health and revovery, but as said the people voming from the tropics do not seem to take the Finnish weathers that way. And I do not know if so much variation of weathers is needed for such a basic thing in life. It seems that people with another kind of character could get the variation in the tropics from the different times of the day with their temperatures and activities. And such variation comes also from the other things done, not only from being outdoors in a certain weather, just for such variations of activities is the need for varied states of mind and ways of doing, which are reflected kn keeping stomach muscles in a certain way. So as one changes from one kind of activity and emotionally felt atmosphete via natural rythms of action to anither activity, say from work start going homewards, go to a hobby, enjoy one's time there and start going homewards in a kind of happy state of mind, which is diffetent from the even tracks of some other people that one knows, so one's rythm of life, stomach muscles, feelings, way of doing vary in natural ways according to the situations, and the rythm is different and more natural than that of the fixedly living. "
From my book series "The Christmas Gnomes Internet Institute"
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