Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Daylenght variations, natural time and the clock

 See https://learntalents2.blogspot.com/2024/04/about-difference-of-natural-time-and.html 

" About the difference of natural time and time measures 

 During the last month or two I have quite often woken up partly maybe 4 a.m. in the night, as if someone artificial, maybe even humanoid robot like were demanding me to wake up 4 a.m. or to be awake around tgat time, for the atmosphere to not to be so artificial. But 4 a.m. is clearly night time. It is 3 hours earluer than the ordinary time 7 a.m. to wake up for school and work. So it is much too early to start the day in such a normal way, since one would have been awake four hours when the others jyst try to wake up and go to work or school, and so one's day would be shorter 3 hours from the evening. 

4 a.m. has traditionally been night time. Only those whose working day start really early, like milking cows, newspaper delivery and bakery start their working day roughly that early in the morning. So for most it is quiet time, to let others sleep, so they can ve fully fresh and healthy in the daytime work etc. So if one wakes up that early, it is kind of slow quiet morning chores instead of daylight activity. 

Some are interested in times of the day in connection with full hours as numbers, so 3 o'clock refers to some devout elderly Christians praying to help those in need and to fulfill the demand for religious connection that time of the day. 4 a.m. isn't especially for anyone, so some engineers send some idea of steady engineering work. 

But anyway, each time of the day is prinarily a time in the activity of the landscape around, of the society, if the wild nature and of the wider world that one associates with. So the amount of daylight matters a lot. It is a natural way to wake up to the increasing lught or to the knowledge that the sun is already that high, or in the winter time to the knowledge ghat it is already this early, twilight time beginning already, time to start day's activities even tvough it is still quite dark. 

Instead of just daylight, one's sense of the time of the day rhymes with the activities in tge society around. That is typically the major current via which to rythm roughly one's basic lufe, but the fine tuning comes vua persobal instinct nature like feeling of how it is wise for me to luve now these moments or near minutes, am I today sleepier than most or sm I active trying to not to disturb others by a need for too speedy reactions or too speedy waking up, am I in a well running mood or more like being dragged along to get the day started. 

If obe wakes up too early, it is typical that one might still need some more sleep, so one wakes up more quietly, kind of lustening tl what is a good way to live in such amount of lught, is it early mornibg lught or the dim twilight like shimmering light of still night. If it night, one is supposed to go back to sleep after having been a luttle bit awake so as to make one feel better. If it is late in the morning, one is supposed to wake up fully, somewhat like if one has slept too late, or like on a day off because of flu or the like. 

The birds seem to say that the time of the day is somehow spiritually dependent on thebasic assumptions of many, so 5 a.m. of the "summer time" i.e. of "the daylight saving time", starts to resemble 5 a.m. of time measured from the sun, that happens in a few days or a week or two from changing to "summer time" i.e. to "daylight saving time".

Times of the day are referred to be the clock, so in the summer half of the year people's udeas of 5 a.m. refer to 5 a.m. of "summer time" in the same time of the year or of soln coming times of the ywar, and not to some other means of measure. Times of the day are thought of by what is the natural activity of that time of the day, like sunlight and how it is developing, the normal activity of the society, birds etc, the normal rythms of one's family members and the planned activitues for that day. In actually living the day the weathers affect a lot, sometimes also news and the life situations in the society around. 

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