Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Of learning weather skills, basic advices

 See https://learntalents2.blogspot.com/2024/04/of-learning-weather-skills.html 

"  For learning weather skills, one should have clothes and shoes too good basic outdoors clothes for such a time of ghe year and for such weathers. One should have scholl type of perspective and type of learning, and basic advices for going outdoors, like "have you made sure that...? Do you have as clothes...? Do you know that ...? Do you remember that...? Are you sure that you remember all these? Is everything ok? Then, let's go!"

As one goes out, one should observe the weather, especially when out of the indoors air near the door or ventilatiln window. One should at first jyst walk a quite short distance, trying to see how one woukd enjoy the weathers, while being safely folliwing ghe weather advices, fully but in common sense like ways. 

One should look at the nature around, both the weathers and the ground, but especially the nature, try to find if there is any charm in the atmospheres of bushes, tree branches, animals around, or the like. If there are charming atmospheres of plants in such a weather, see what those are like as ways of living the weathers and ways of life in the long run. And try to learn such views and ways of living via following their charms. Those are often wise, so one should try to learn also their ways of living the year, something of their talents, skills, values, following theur wisdom in the world, safeguarding and respecting the future of the living kind, especially of the wild nature. Like "the atmosphere of the quite old trees here in ghe weather, fascinates me, so I for a moment go along it and walk like entering a postcard of atmospheric quite old trees, and trying what it feels like to walk there."  

Obs. This advice is meant for all climates. 


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